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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Definition of Relativity: the state of being dependent for existence on or determined in nature, value, or quality by relation to something else.

Peace vs. War = Relativity

Non-relativity = Oneness

= Simply
Now = Daily prayer for Planet Earth

I am relating to the fact that if the world didn't have a choice between peace and war, relatively speaking...there would only be Oneness.

Remembering John Lennon...30 years ago today.

Charlene Hancock

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Imagine a cork, floating on a body of water, as being your connected point of view. That's when you are soaring, that's where your appreciation is high.

You are tuned in, tapped in, turned on. You're up there in that high natural frequency.

Now take hold of the cork and hold it under the water. That's what negative emotion is.

That's where you are ornery or irritated or insecure or fitful or frustrated or overwhelmed or blameful or guilty. That's the negative emotion.

The good news is, in the moment that you take your attention away from whatever it is that's holding you in that vibration, you let go of the cork and it floats right back to the top. And that is perhaps the most important thing that we want you to hear from us today.

It is natural for your cork to float. It is natural for you to feel good. That is what is natural. Anything less than that is not natural.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Just Right

When you live Real Time as we do, and you stand in the Vortex seeing what’s there, we feel only utter and complete appreciation for whatever it took of you in your living of it in order to create the perfection of this expansion. And as we see it and know it and revel in it, it does not need to manifest in a way that you can translate it through your physical senses. It is Reality that we know, that we appreciate and are proud of you, and appreciative and proud of you and appreciative and proud of you and appreciative. Your sense of worthiness that you reach for
all day every day lingers here with us in the pride and appreciation that we feel.

And when you find a way to make your way into this Vortex with all of this grand stuff that you’ve put there, and you begin to catch a whiff of the appreciation, we’re proud of, the appreciation, we’re proud of you,
the appreciation, we’re proud of you, of what you have contributed, your sense of worthiness will settle into that place and you will know the value of that which is you.

And you will revel in the perfection of this life experience that you’ve been born into. And you will know you got it just right. You’re getting
it just right. You’re right on schedule. Everything’s unfolding just right.

It’s just as you knew it would be.

~Abraham-Hicks, Denver, CO, 9/11/10

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sloppy Thougt Syndrome

Sloppy thought syndrome equals whatis-itis, observant thought, I've so tuned my vibration to what is, I can't change it.
Until you become a conscious and deliberate feeler-focuser, you cannot be a deliberate creator.
As you take the time to poke around at the problem, without even knowing it, you poke around at the solution, too.
It comes into the focus of your Inner Being. You have to find the focus of your Inner Being before you find the solution.

-Abraham-Hicks -

Monday, October 25, 2010


When you begin to be the deliberate creator that you were born to be, you will stand mostly in your place of alignment with who you are feeling appreciation of every situation that causes you to focus. Because you understand that focusing and deliberate creating are the same thing. Deliberate focusing and deliberate creating are the same thing.

Focusing without deliberate intent can be called creating by default. Because you see, you get what you focus upon. You get what you train yourself to expect.

So, as you focus on things wanted or unwanted you develop vibrational patterns and the longer you focus the easier it is to maintain that pattern until you develop what could be called a chronic pattern of focus or a chronic vibrational offering.

That's really what a belief is. A belief is just a thought you keep focusing on. So once you develop this pattern of thought which you could call a belief or an expectation. An expectation means you've got a very well established vibrational pattern which means you've got a very well established point of attraction which means you're proving your belief to you over and over again.

Stamford 5-29-10 - Abraham-Hicks

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lighten Up!

Lighten up. Have fun with it! Challenge no one about anything.

If somebody is screaming in your face that you're wrong, say to them, "You're probably right"...

If somebody says, the world is coming to an end, say to them "Maybe, but aren't we having a good time, today?"...

If somebody says, "There is a disease running rampant and it's going to sweep across the Earth and it's going to kill all of us", say, "I don't believe that is possible - because I know that Well-Being abounds... I don't believe that anything that is bad could over take over all this that is good. It is illogical... Well-Being abounds... Oh, I think there are pockets where people have focused and caused a sort of shadow that is disallowing the Well-Being. I don't disagree with you there. I think there are places where Well-Being is not being allowed - but I think it is minuscule in comparison with the Well-Being."

- Abraham-Hicks -

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Alone with the silence?

When was the last time you sat alone with the silence, traveling to the deepest part of your being? When was the last time you said hello to your soul? ~Neale Donald Walsch~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life Force

But, Abraham, there must be more. There must be another reason. There must be a bigger reason than for my joy."

There isn't.

"Aren't I here to serve something? Isn't there some end that I'm getting to?"

There is no end. Everything, all life, is in the moment. All life is in the moment, and you have this magnificent body and this incredible consciousness, that is your focal point, right now, where you focus the Energy that creates worlds into this powerful now.

We give this to you not because you have responsibilities that you are not fulfilling. We say this to you because we want you to relax and accept the perfection of what you are.

We want you to understand that you cannot get it wrong. We want you to understand that you are a decipherer of data. We want you to understand that all of the contrast exists to assist you in, here and now, coming to a decision of how you, you magnificent Creator, would like to flow the Energy that creates worlds, now. This is who you are.

So, you can't get it wrong. You can't squander it. You can't not use it enough. You can't do anything wrong, and you, individually, get to decide how much Life Force, or Energy, you summon.

If it's too much, or more than you are able to allow in this moment, back off. Of that which you have summoned, how much are you allowing to flow through you? Or are you disallowing or resisting the Energy? You get to choose every part of this. This is who you are.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Pure Positive Thought

"No thought" is not better than pure positive thought.

What you gotta realize is that at your highest, tapped in, tuned in state, there IS thought, but it's really, really good feeling thought. So rather than trying to be thoughtless try to be good feeling in the thought, good feeling in the thought, good feeling in the thought, good feeling in the thought, good feeling in the thought! That's what you are reaching for, not thoughtless.

Thoughtlessness releases resistance and the releasing of resistance gives you relief.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pleasing Others

By trying to please others, you encourage the distorted idea that someone else is responsible for their happiness, which, in the long run, disempowers them and makes them unhappy.

We could accurately say that the harder you try to make others happy, the more unhappy they become because they are dependent on behavior outside of themselves over which they have no control rather than being in alignment within themselves, over which they have complete control.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Experiencing Joy~

If you are wanting to know about those who surround you, if you are wondering whether they are upon the path of their intent as they have come into physical expression, pay attention to the emotion that comes forth from within them, for it is not something that is easily hidden. When you are a joyous being, it is obvious, And the joy seeking being is always drawn to the being who is experiencing joy. The Law of Attraction sees to that.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Awareness is about noticing the moment. It is about stopping, looking, listening, feeling, experiencing fully what is happening. It is a meditation. Awareness turns everything into a meditation -Neale Donald Walsch-

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All Good Things~

You gotta chill and relax, and release, meditate, and breathe and walk, and ski and surf, and bask and sunbathe and relax and sing and love and laugh and nurture yourself, and eat good stuff. And find better and better feeling thoughts and practice them until they become the norm. And then everything that life has caused you to become must manifest into your experience.

~ Abraham-Hicks. com, Phoenix, AZ, 4.17.10

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Shore~

Let go of your past. Letting go does not mean forgetting it. It means stopping the holding on, ending the clinging to your past as if you are going to drown with it. You are drowning because of it. Let go and swim to a new shore.

~Neale Donald Walsch~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trying too hard~!

Trying too hard IS resisting... for this reason -- think about this -- if you decide that you want to go to the grocery store and buy a quart of milk, do you ever find yourself trying too hard? Or do you just go get it?

And the reason you just go get it is because you have absolute knowledge - you KNOW. You know you have the ability to go, you know you have the money in your purse, you know the milk will be there when you get there. In other words, there is no doubt and so there is no trying against anything. And so whenever you're trying too hard, what is happening is there is a part of you that is not believing that it can be.

Extract from Abraham-Hicks tape G-8/22/90

Thursday, July 8, 2010


In this tangible, physical world, where you can see and smell and hear and taste and touch, your physical senses are literally your interpreters of vibrations. And so, the world you perceive is about your sensors that are interpreting it from vibration to perception.

When you look at your television, a similar thing is taking place: A mechanism has projected and translated, and now you are using other physical human sensors to further translate. You don't look at your television and assume that somehow those people are really in that little box. You know that the screen, or the process, is giving you an interpreted version of something.

And everything in your world is that. It's hard for you to get a sense of that, because you are surrounded with so many other interpreters who are born with similar sensors or senses to yours.

And so, when we say to you, what you see with your eyes is an interpretation of vibration, what you feel with your fingertips, what you hear with your ears, what you smell with your nose, all that you are experiencing is vibrational interpretation, you say (because so many of you are having a similar experience) "Well, this interpretation of vibration is reality." And we say, the reason you are calling it reality is because so many others are agreeing with you, in general terms, about the reality you are perceiving. But, in truth, you are all interpreting uniquely from your perspective.

We approach your physical experience in a rather unusual way because once you understand that you are vibrational interpreters,then you can deliberately take it further. Then you can go beyond your physical senses, which are interpreting vibration by utilizing your emotional basis, which is a further interpretation of more defined, intricate interpreting. Your emotions tell you more subtle vibrations.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good Stuff~

"We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold: You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in."


Friday, June 18, 2010


Everything is changing, all of the time. That includes you. You are both the changer and the changed. That is because, even as you are changing, you are causing the change in your Self and in the world around you. When you wake in the morning, think of one thing. What is going to change today? And what part will you play in creating that change, in being the conscious cause of it?

-Neale Donald Walsch-


Gratitude is the fastest form of healing. What you resist persists. What you are grateful for can then serve you, as it was meant to do.

-Neale Donald Walsch-

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Simply be quiet. Be with your Self in the stillness. Do this often. Do this daily. Even hourly in small doses if you can. Just Stop. Stop all of your doingness. Stop all of your thinking. Just "be" for a while. Even for only a moment. It can change everything.

-Neale Donald Walsch-

Friday, June 4, 2010

a work of art

These words are from "Science of Mind" Magazine. I read these words and they encouraged my confidence level and helped me realize how clearly I can beleive...

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48

Perfect God within me, Perfect Life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am; lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the good.
The Science of Mind, page 185

The Ego, in its endeavor to keep us small, makes us shrink from the word "perfection" as if if were blasphemous. Because a perfect cause must produce a perfect effect, it is well within reason to accept perfection for ourselves.
The David sculpture that I saw in Florence, Italy, often comes to mind when I think of perfection. Michelangelo considered sculpture to be the highest form of art because, among the other reasons, it mimics divine creation. Ernest Holmes referred to "Perfect God, perfect being, perfect man" to express truth, sans inclusive gender. When I think of the perfection within me and my less-then-perfect behavior, I recall Michelangelo's report that he was able to see the David inside of the clay.
God is the (clay) substance from which I am made. The artist must pull away all the unneccessary stuff so that the perfect form can materialize. Who is that artist, that creative being to do this? Me. Who are my helpers? You. I am not engaging art critics. Yet each relationship that I consciously or unconsciously call forth is for the purpose of my transformation. I learn from each life energy. Sometimes, I adopt the qualities of an "other". Other times, I learn through mistakes. Engaging with something or someone else provides the opportunity to realize mis-takes. I reshape my approach. There is no challenge too big for the Power within me.

I am created from perfection, I carve away that which does not serve me.

(Science of Mind Magazine; today, June 4, 2010, Page 39, daily devotion.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We have so many questions - we read so many books, talk so much, trying to find a way to a happier life. I tell you, truly, that this sentence by Esther and Abe says it all, absolutely.

Much much love to you all!

"Your work is to find relief, find relief, find relief, find relief."
- Abraham-Hicks -

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For JamieLee

You are going to find yourself teaching without anyone asking for a classroom. You’re going to find yourself understanding without anyone really verbalizing a problem. You’re going to find yourself vibrationally speaking, knowing from inside your vortex, what it feels like to be tuned in to Infinite Intelligence. Solutions are going to flow forth to you, more emphatically than you’ve ever experienced before. And you’re going to find yourself often standing as very clear-minded beings amidst others who are standing in a place of somewhat confusion. And you’re not going to feel uncomfortable in your leadership.

-Abraham Hicks-

Monday, May 17, 2010


Do not waste the precious moments of this, your present reality, seeking to unveil all of life's secrets. Those secrets are secrets for a reason. Use your Now Moment for the Highest Purpose - the creation and the expression of Who You Really Are.

-Neale Donald Walsch

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who you are...

line up with who you are and then Everything else takes care of itself. Law of Attraction sees to it.

Abraham Hicks

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two Energies

There are only two energies at the core of the human experience: love and fear. Love grants freedom, fear takes it away. Love opens up, fear closes down. Love invites full expression, fear punishes it. Love invites you, always, to live your truth.

- Neale Donald Walsch

Pass it On...

Your feelings are your truth. What is best for you is what is true for you. Thoughts are not feelings; rather, they are ideas of how you "should" feel. When thoughts and feelings get confused, truth becomes clouded, lost.

- Neal Donald Walsch author: Conversations with God.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It serves us to look at the realities we are creating. It's then beneficial to measure what we are creating against what we say we wish to experience. We may then make adjustments in the creation. You cannot change directions unless you know the direction in which you are going - Neal Donald Walsh/ Author: Conversations With God.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pure Positive Energy

" The ONLY thing that affects your experience- oh, it is so important that we are wanting to shout it, as if you could hear better if we did- the ONLY thing that affects your experience is how YOU are flowing your energy. It is not about chance, it is not about germs, it is not about bugs, it is not about something outside of you, it is not about heredity, it is not about the economy, and it is not about ANY of those factors that physical beings give all the credit to about why they are living what they are living. It is not about any of that. The ONLY thing that affects YOUR experience is the way YOU are flowing your energy.

By flowing energy we mean- when you are remembering something, you are flowing energy. When you are imagining something, you are flowing energy. When you are describing something or explaining something or fantasizing something, you are flowing energy. Any time you are thinking anything you are flowing energy!

That which is the core of you is Pure Positive Energy. When you are thinking thoughts that vibrate in harmony with that Pure Positive Energy you can feel the resonating of it- you feel appreciation, you feel well-being, you feel peaceful, you feel elated, you feel love. You feel one of those emotions that you describe as positive emotion. But when you are feeling anger, or frustration, or fear, or guilt, or loneliness, or pensiveness, or aggravation, or any of those emotions that you describe as negative emotion- THOSE feelings are indicators that right now in that moment you are flowing your energy not in harmony with who you are or what you are wanting."

~Abraham-Hicks 4/23/93

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Minding my own business

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could do this? If we could all peacefully mosey along just doing exactly what makes us happy, no pushing against, no disagreement, no you must think like me?


The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is: don't get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment.

When you let nothing be more significant than your own alignment with your own desire then everything in the universe is working in concert for you. It is anyway but you're not letting it in, if you are misaligned.

- Abraham-Hicks -


I am going to find a way of feeling better about this. Which is simply, I don't know enough about it to even think about it. So I'm going to relax and expect things will turn out better for me and they always do. And I'm doing all right.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Live and let Live~

explore the pause for the pleasure of everyday life

restore optimism • confidence • well-being
explore inner wisdom • choice • change
enhance presence • connection
love happy relationships
release creativity
feel good


Some people are simply mesmeric …

What do you reveal before uttering a sound?

Understand your presence and learn to listen to speak with eloquence and ease

to mesmerise – to influence, entrance, inspire … to calm oneself… and;

Few delights can equal the presence of one whom we trust utterly.

George McDonald 1824 - 1905

Friday, April 16, 2010

Think only on this ~ The Positive Thought

A feeling of vulnerability, and expectation of bad things happening, is the reason that bad things happen. That feeling produces the physical evidence of bad things happening. As physical beings, you put the emphasis upon the bad things that have happened. You stack up this “evidence” and use it against yourself, causing your negative expectation to grow larger and larger. If instead, you will put the emphasis upon what really caused the bad things to happen – your thought and feeling of negative expectation – then the evidence would not loom so large. You would see it only as the physical manifestation of your thought rather than the threatening thing it seemed before.

When you see negative evidence for what it really is – temporary evidence created by you, drawn by you and experienced by you – you can let go out of the same door it came in: It got in by your thought and feeling. Change your thought, and your feeling will change – and it will leave your experience.

From your action oriented physical perspective, the physical creation – or evidence – holds more weight in your system of beliefs than it deserves – for the evidence was created from thought.

Change the thought and the evidence will vanish.

Abraham – Hicks, A New Beginning II, P 126

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One to think about~

"There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up." --Booker T. Washington

Monday, April 12, 2010

Joy in the Journey

I often still feel that unless I can show achievement, my life is wasted. And then I remember the relief of knowing that our lives are measured simply in terms of the joy we feel. Nothing else.

"You have been oriented that you must pay a price in order to get somewhere, and in the process, you’ve come to believe that getting there must be really important, therefore, it must be your purpose. And we say, but if you’re not getting to joy, then you’ve gotten nowhere. Joy is really where you’re going."


Wednesday, April 7, 2010



choosing to think in terms of choosing alignment in my soul; my blueprint with life if you will... where I think and feel.

Each place in myself that I go is like a door that I open. the land on the other side
are the experience of myself... each is my next step in my new thinking pattern that I am creating.

My ability and willingness to hear my words with me, myself and I, and mold them into my life, so that it makes me into alignment with my soul self.

I am opening doors of thought, which allow me to see myself and be myself as I am with all my fralties, but yet these that challenge me to think in the alignment of my soul...through the thoughts I allow or disallow.

I am in charge to the extent that I allow my ego (every negative thought I have). to desist from my thought pattern and be there no more. I catch each negative thought on its own and I crush it to pieces and replace the old with the new...remembering to travel in my mind with positive luggage.

Making up my mind that all is well, I can have and be me through loving encouraging thoughts of my past and my future...being happy with right now is a good thought to start now with.

Every doorland presents an opportunity of thinking it to the best of what I have in thought and mind for me. I Aspire to being the presence of loving me, myself and I. Now.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Signal...

You have to offer a signal that says 'i'm fun to be with', 'I enjoy co-creating', 'i'm fun to be with', 'i'm loving life', and 'im open for change'.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sky Out

~until you say yes~

Sometimes it takes awhile to wake up and really see what it is you are up to in life.
Often times you do hear that still small voice, but you ignore it, save the listening in to 'it' for another day...
Another Days turn into other years and before you know it...
You wake up and forgive yourself for all your yesterdays, that you said no to yourself when you needed to say yes, and yes when you needed to say no.
Start a new day with a fresh outlook.
This Day is the only day you have.
Every moment IS your own.
Own the moment of listening today to that still small voice.

If it yells at you, embrace it and say sorry.
If if makes you feel bad, ask it to forgive you.
then...listen for the love.
Its a feeling you get when you hear your still small voice say yes or no when 'it' needs to.

Life is not a perfectly wrapped gift,
but 'it', (the still small voice), still gives us the present.

This day, hour, minute, second....millisecond...is to finish and conquer whatever stops you from saying yes when you mean to say no, and saying no when you mean to say yes.

Get in touch with listening in...
Like a radio station signal...you have the ability and vibration to listen in over yourself.
Enjoy the process.
Get your hands on awesome books that are out there waiting for your ears and heart.
I became a life coach because I want to tell you that there is so much offered for you to take in and grow from that can guide your life process.

The moment you are into receiving it...you will hear 'it'.

The inside body will have a new overall sensation.
You will also recognise a sense of well being...or
you may feel fear...(automatic response will want to reject what is good for you by being afraid of new feelings).
Go with it...see where this takes you...

Remember: Love ~ its a feeling you get when your hearing your still small voice...and consequent good feelings follow as you take the right authentic action with your soul.

Life Coach: Charlene Hancock

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Out

In order to sense your inner world you must first quiet the physical world. You must remove your conscious focus from the physical world, that you might perceive the inner world. It is not a difficult process. It has been called many different things some call it meditation - but regardless of what you call it, it is a time of quieting the physical, that you may sense the inner world: Sit in a quiet place, making yourself comfortable, and close your eyes - and be. Do whatever you can to reduce the possibility of conscious physical interruption. And as you are comfortably sitting, quiet your conscious thinking mind. In the beginning, that is not an easy task, for your conscious thinking mind is very quick to respond to the stimulation of thought. You have trained it to be fast, and it is eager to participate.

As you are sitting, intending to quiet your conscious thinking mind, in time it will allow you your quiet time. We encourage a short time in every day - FIFTEEN OR TWENTY MINUTES IS ENOUGH. The time of the day is not important, and it need not he the same time in every day, but it Is important that you set aside the time, in every day.

As you have quieted your conscious thinking mind - perhaps by concentrating upon your breathing - and as you are not so aware of the physical world in which you live, you will begin to perceive the inner world, and for each of you it will be a different experience. We encourage you not to compare your experiences with those of another, for there is no value in comparison. The intent of comparison is to find one better than the other, and as you are focusing upon the one that you do not prefer - YOUR ATTENTION TO THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT IS ATTRACTING THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT INTO YOUR EXPERIENCE.

In time - for some of you it may be in the first sitting - you will sense a sort of numbing of your physical being, and that is an indication that you have succeeded at quieting your conscious thinking mind and your physical world, that you may sense the inner world.

What are the advantages of being sensitive to the inner world? When you understand that you are a much broader, more experienced, wiser, older being than your physical being remembers, then you will see the advantage of being in touch with that being, and, in fact, receiving communication from it. Each of you are already receiving communication from that Inner Being in the form of emotion, but you can receive much more detailed information if you are wanting it. The process of quieting your physical world, that you may sense the inner world, will open that path of communication between your physical dimension and the inner dimension, so that you may receive guidance that is appropriate - and that you may offer instruction in terms of what you are currently wanting. Communication is not intended to be only from the inner world to the physical world but from the physical world to the inner world, as well. It is a pathway through which you may offer your clear intent, and once your channel, or pathway, has been established - there are many wondrous benefits.

Once you have decided that you are wanting, or intending, to open the passageway from your physical dimension to the Nonphysical dimension, then you have only to allow it to be. And the setting aside of the time in which to quiet your physical world is your allowing of the opening.

As with each other segment of your day, it is also important that you identify the intent as you move into this segment of meditation. If your intent is to open the passageway between dimensions, that you may receive clear communication, then state it as you are beginning to meditate. If your intent is to quiet the physical world, for you are wanting the relaxation of being apart from that which is confusing and overwhelming and tiring, then state that.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Heart of Your Dilemma

We think what is at the heart of your dilemma is something that is at the heart of almost all dilemmas, and that is finding your own guidance and feeling confident in finding it.

It's alright for you to choose things that are different from what others are choosing. But you have to decide that it is alright. And you have to develop your own relationship with your own guidance, otherwise you're upside down and all around, you're sort of lost in the confusion of all of it.

Abraham-Hicks 02 - 23 - 2002

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Joy-Seeking Beings~

You are joy-seeking beings who have come forth into what we see as the perfect environment for desire to be born within you.

What this workshop is about �- we know you could speak it as clearly as we can now, we've said it enough times to you today -� what your work is about is to bring yourself into vibrational harmony with allowing the energy that is you to flow.

And in simple terms, what that means is your work is to look wherever you stand, whether you are looking in the past, present or future, your work is to consume your now with the thought that feels best. With the thought that feels best, with the thought that feels best, with the thought that feels best.

And there are always choices there for you. In other words, you can look at the hole in the wall or you can look at the beautiful painting. You can look at the light bulb that is out or you can see the light bulb that is working. You can look at your mate in his positive aspect or you can look at your mate in his negative aspect. You can look at your own body and find something that pleases you or find something that doesn't. You can remember your childhood and find something of pleasure or you can find something that makes you feel discouraged. You can remember a compliment or you can remember somebody down on you. You can remember your love or you can remember your hate.

In other words, you have that choice in every moment, and you are the definers of that. You are focusers of energy, that's what a creator is. A creator is someone who stands in their now and focuses energy.

Abraham-Hicks 3/4/00

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nobody, nobody, nobody, ever, ever, ever....

Nobody else, not the economy, not the government, not the other political party, not the other religious groups, not the opponent on the football field...

Nobody, nobody, nobody, not ever ever ever ever ever ever -- is the reason that you are not having the success that you want, because no one can keep you out of your vortex but you.

Chicago, 10/3/09 Gay Hendricks

Anything you Want!

Anything that you are wanting: don't stand in the lack of it and lament that it isn't there and expect it to come to you. It cannot. Find a little piece of it, a little string of it, a little trail of it, a little clue of it - look for something about it, and focus upon that little piece, and by Law of Attraction, watch it grow!

- Abraham-Hicks - 02/16/91

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Allowing Gratitude...

The more you find something to appreciate, the better it feels. The better it feels, the more you want to do it. The more you do it, the better it feels. The better it feels...the more you want to do it! The Law of Attraction assists with the powerful momentum of these positive thoughts and feelings until, with very little time and effort, you will find your heart singing in your joyous alignment with who you really are! And, in this wonderful-feeling vibration where no resistance exists, you will be in an exaggerated state of ALLOWING -- you will be in the vibrational state where the things that you desire can flow easily into your experience.

The better it gets, the better it gets!

- Abraham-Hicks, ASK AND IT IS GIVEN, pp. 143-144 -

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happiness Brings Meaning

Happiness Brings Meaning

“Fringe-dwellers are people who know
there’s something else to life other than ego,
tick-tock, control, and the institutions.
Believing and acting differently, they extricate
themselves from common tribal emotions
and make a dash for freedom.

Right now they may still be driving a bus
for the city bus company. But, in their hearts,
they have moved to the outer edge of this
human evolution, beyond what most consider
normal reality. And there are millions of us...
all over the planet, making a difference
to consciousness! Brilliant, really.

The bottom line is, if you are a
fringe-dweller (and you probably are)
and your mind-set doesn’t fit,
just agree not to fit.”

— Stuart Wilde

Monday, February 8, 2010

Are you listening?

Your Inner Being is guiding you toward well-being . ALWAYS!! Whether you are listening or not.

And so the question is . Are you listening? And how do you know when you are?

And we say to you .

You cannot hear the guidance when you are angry.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are mad.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are fearful.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are fitful.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are guilty.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are lonely.

You cannot hear the guidance when your valve is closed You see.

So.!! Just get happy in any way you can.

Do the things that please you most.

Spend time with the people that thrill you most.

Go to the places where you bask easily .

And most of all make a decision that “Nothing is more important than that I feel good”

And under those conditions you will be guided with a precision that will knock your socks off.

Not just to an area that will receive little disruption, but to an area where you can thrive. To an area where you can find joy. To an area where you will rendezvous with the others you’ve intended

Extract from Abraham-Hicks tape G-4/17/94

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Common sense will get you into your own light.

This is a place in thought, where you find you, 'right' in yourself.
I know this is a grabby sentence, but it says that you can find the right within you.
I like the word 'authentic', it says, "I Am My Own Self".
I own myself, so I choose to own me wisely.

Light stands out above dark, because in the dark you can't see anything.
In the light there is dimension.
Depression can be the dark tunnel, until you witness your own light.
Creating a dimension of thought that promotes authenticity.

I called out to my own light thoughts, and they showed up everywhere...even at a new movie called 'Avitar'.
It shows up in moments of the sun shining on things singularly, it is then that I have stopped and let everything fall off me, and then I shine with the light I find.

As my mind stands still, I experience common sense.
I receive my own light of self. And, in so doing I reflect off everything else.

Try this; look into your own light~

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stepping Up To My Own Plate*

I am very excited today*

*Today I registered for school this September 2010.

I have such a desire and passion to raise the bar on how I am giving myself to the world.

I know for sure that I came here to be a *healer of *emotions and *love...

I came here to heal the heart *Chakra; Planet Earth*

So my step is embarking on my journey of Spiritual Psychotherapist and Spiritual Director.

Adding my accountability to what I am offering. Making sure I am ready as a whole person*

For the longest time, I said No to myself about *This Decision*, but

my self-talk took me in many directions.

I brought myself Into *Listening to my self-talking...

I've been truly challenged to Step Up To My Own Plate*

And Now, Today...

I filled out my confirmations and signed my name and enrolled in the program,

and put down my *six hundred non-refundable deposit on a *sixteen thousand dollar vision!

It feels astounding to be ready for this. Right Now*

And there is so much more to look forward to*

(next blog...what is a Psycotherapist?)

Monday, January 25, 2010

'Happy' Ground Hog Days~

Ground Hog Days

I was out this past weekend, and
i decided that i would just be myself
In such a way that
I reached out and talked to people
the 300 or so that I was in the same room with;

I approached many with kindness and sincerity
I allowed for fearlessness to become me...
I looked them in the eye with my 3d glasses on.
This was fun for me because I kept forgetting that I had them on...
And so, people would be staring at me,
and I would then ask:
"Are you Happy?"
And then they would say, "I am very happy, or Yes I am happy".

After the introduction of the answer between us,
I declared to each one, "Then...It's Ground Hog Days!"
(meaning: repeat that 'Happy' for 100 days...and see how that feels~

I had been into approaching people out of the blue for about an hour,
when a gentleman named John asked me to take off my glasses now...
I attempted to resist this
I peaked out from out of the glasses ever so briefly and John caught my eye.

I then took off the glasses and proceeded to ask John,
"Are you happy?"
And he said;
Well...I'm kinda happy,
Again, I asked: "are you happy?"
and he said;
Well..."I'm sort of happy
Finally, a third attempt, I asked again, "Are you happy?"

And, John finally said "no I am not happy".
Taken by surprise, for he was the first one that had this answer,
I told him, he was probably the most honest person in the place.
I then gave him the option to seek me out to help him to get to
Ground Hog Day!

Keeping things light, I introduced my blog card
and decided to say to John; "I am very happy to meet you"
Our conversation being open still,
I found out that I am talking with an Editorial writer and editor.

So, the whole decision to be fearless for a night,
brought me communication with a fellow writer,
and found out that I could encourage him in his unhappiness;
while he encouraged my dream of being interviewed by an editorial writer.

John agreed to stay in touch...
And that he would check out my blog,
My motto is when you find your happy,
Keep it like Ground Hog Day...
And if Happy hasn't showed up for awhile...
'Believe' that it will find you again~

Friday, January 15, 2010

Try This...

My future isn't about my past. (Life is only about NOW.) Nothing that has ever happened has anything to do with now, unless, in my now, I continue to think and speak about it. Fresh new thoughts today will always give me a fresh new experience.

- Abraham-Hicks -

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Making a difference when you're bored;
First of all, check in with your thinking,
boredom has a lot to do with procrastinating.
You may be wondering why the words thinking and procrastinating are written in the same sentence?

Well, it has to do with how come your bored.
Mostly, because all the stuff you need to do is just routine, and your looking for something different than the ordinary, so you procrastinate.

Procrastination makes for a good deal of feeling bored.

so, what's next?

Just step out of the routine of daily life and add one small new decision...

Sometimes what we've been procrastinating is something we've needed to do for ourselves for a long long time.

Prolonging it does not make it go away in your thinking, and neither does adding the feeling of guilt.

Just make up your mind, decide and follow through...

Being thankful brings a new anticipation of change!

So anticipate something good coming, act on it, and boredom will disappear~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Self-Talk 101

The skill of listening to self-talk

Making an impact on new years resolutions can come from being skillful at listening to your self-talk.

Another name for it can be; the still small voice, or the inner voice.

The clue lies in hearing what you are actually saying to yourself, because what your saying is what you believe; and what you believe is who you are.

So, if you have resolutions to keep, try keeping your word with yourself, by realizing what it is you are actually saying in your self-talk.

No small task, if you have not ever tried this exercise, but it can be done.

It is not something you do once and forget about, it is in itself a resolution;

...I will identify my self-talk to see if it is serving me my life the way I really want it. Am I saying the things I need to say to myself so that I get the life I want?

You will know that you are catching on, when you find yourself having an argument in your head; because, finally you are listening to what you are actually saying and questioning it.

An argument with your self-talk is a good place to start. This tells you that you are ready for real change on your soul level; and when you are ready, the universe is more than willing to give you what you want.

This is why we must always be aware of what we are saying, so that we can match what we are getting in life for what what we really want.

The results should be that your old thinking becomes background static and your new beliefs and thinking create moments in your days that make you feel confident with the outcome.

If you decide to make tuning into your self-talk this years' resolution, maybe, just maybe you will keep the other resolutions your wanting and hoping for.

Your self-talk then becomes what you know for sure~