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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Facilitation of a personal insight:

A certain day became a presence for me; there is was, confronting me--a sky, air, light: a being. And before it started to descend from the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if with the flat of a sword, granting me honor and a task. The day's blow rang, metallic--or it was I, a bell awakened, and what I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I Can. -Denise Levertov, from Breathing the Water. (These beautiful words are displayed from O Magazine from the October 2004 issue. Live Your Best Life) the words are on a page that has trees from top to bottom in black and white; the sun shining on them from behind, blazing archs of light every which way. It feels like total essence. I hope for the words: I Can. to enter whatever your endeavors are for today. This moment is the only one that counts, because this is the only moment we are in. Right now; I am reaching out to the world in my own unique way and wishing to give to you the gift of words from another; that speak to my soul. Right here. Right now. I Can. Peace be with you today ~