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Thursday, April 12, 2012

releasing the need to suffer

A man who fears suffering is always suffering from what he fears ~ Michel de Montaigne

God never intended man to suffer
The Science of Mind, page 109

Suffering is the ongoing focus on a negative condition and the creation of the inner
story about that condition that leads us to feel bad. In life, suffering is
optional. It is not inherent in the nature of human beings; it is, rather, a learned
behavior that was developed at a time when there was a poor understanding of our
psychology and true potential. While it is appropriate to feel bad when you become
aware of some action or pattern of thinking that is destructive, it is never
appropriate to dwell in that negative feeling. We must rise up to a level of
self-forgiveness and acceptance combined with the decision to do better in the
When we become aware that we are suffering, we have the choice to change our
thinking about the condition and to move to a greater idea of truth. This will
alleviate the suffering and restore a sense of well-being and empowerment. It is not
that we should never feel bad, but we should not dwell in the negative feelings;
rather, we should be in joy as we move forward on the spiritual path.
When we release the need to suffer, we move to a more natural way of being. We are
in touch with our true identity--a spiritually empowered realization that creates
positive experiences in our lives.

I release the need to suffer.When negative conditions arise in my awareness, I
respond from an empowered, loving consciousness, and the condition is transformed. I take dominion over my experience.

These words are from April 2012 Science of Mind magazine. The 7th day of April daily
guides. Page 44, written by:Jim Lockard.