These words are from "Science of Mind" Magazine. I read these words and they encouraged my confidence level and helped me realize how clearly I can beleive...
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48
Perfect God within me, Perfect Life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am; lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the good.
The Science of Mind, page 185
The Ego, in its endeavor to keep us small, makes us shrink from the word "perfection" as if if were blasphemous. Because a perfect cause must produce a perfect effect, it is well within reason to accept perfection for ourselves.
The David sculpture that I saw in Florence, Italy, often comes to mind when I think of perfection. Michelangelo considered sculpture to be the highest form of art because, among the other reasons, it mimics divine creation. Ernest Holmes referred to "Perfect God, perfect being, perfect man" to express truth, sans inclusive gender. When I think of the perfection within me and my less-then-perfect behavior, I recall Michelangelo's report that he was able to see the David inside of the clay.
God is the (clay) substance from which I am made. The artist must pull away all the unneccessary stuff so that the perfect form can materialize. Who is that artist, that creative being to do this? Me. Who are my helpers? You. I am not engaging art critics. Yet each relationship that I consciously or unconsciously call forth is for the purpose of my transformation. I learn from each life energy. Sometimes, I adopt the qualities of an "other". Other times, I learn through mistakes. Engaging with something or someone else provides the opportunity to realize mis-takes. I reshape my approach. There is no challenge too big for the Power within me.
I am created from perfection, I carve away that which does not serve me.
(Science of Mind Magazine; today, June 4, 2010, Page 39, daily devotion.)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
We have so many questions - we read so many books, talk so much, trying to find a way to a happier life. I tell you, truly, that this sentence by Esther and Abe says it all, absolutely.
Much much love to you all!
"Your work is to find relief, find relief, find relief, find relief."
- Abraham-Hicks -
Much much love to you all!
"Your work is to find relief, find relief, find relief, find relief."
- Abraham-Hicks -
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