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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Philisophically Speaking

Philosophy: It is an ancient Greek word that means; ‘the love of wisdom’. The first philosopher, Socrates, proclaimed, “the most important thing was to know thy self.”

If you are one who loves to learn and yearns to know thyself; come on out to
the philosophically speaking evenings – a series of walk-in workshops. The subject matter for the next 8 weeks will be facilitating the author Eckhart Tolle.

This philosophically speaking evening will open up new avenues of thought; carrying
you through to being in the moment. Eckhart Tolle has imparted to us as a national family his insights and wisdom. As we come together and listen and discuss his subject
matter there is a sense of connection and a shift in how one used to look at the world
of thought and form.

You are invited to an atmosphere of calm, serenity and visual delights. You can also expect a ‘meditation time-out’ through the process of this workshop. This gives space for all new Insights to settle into a new cellular memory.

The Topic for the first walk-in workshop will be ‘Stepping Outside of Thinking’.

The walk-in workshops run for about 2.5 hours; starting at 7pm.

All eight subject matters are posted on this website. Please email me or telephone me,
and I will be happy to give you my address. www.mind-fullife.ca

The date for this first walk-in workshop is September 20th, 2012.

These walk-in workshops work as a pay what you can system. There will be a bowl
at the front door table; just drop it in as you come through the door.

An Affirmative quote to live by:

We are guided daily by Divine Intelligence into paths of peace, wherein the soul recognizes its Source and meets It in Joyful union, in complete At-One-ment.
(The Science of Mind, page 331)