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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sky Out

~until you say yes~

Sometimes it takes awhile to wake up and really see what it is you are up to in life.
Often times you do hear that still small voice, but you ignore it, save the listening in to 'it' for another day...
Another Days turn into other years and before you know it...
You wake up and forgive yourself for all your yesterdays, that you said no to yourself when you needed to say yes, and yes when you needed to say no.
Start a new day with a fresh outlook.
This Day is the only day you have.
Every moment IS your own.
Own the moment of listening today to that still small voice.

If it yells at you, embrace it and say sorry.
If if makes you feel bad, ask it to forgive you.
then...listen for the love.
Its a feeling you get when you hear your still small voice say yes or no when 'it' needs to.

Life is not a perfectly wrapped gift,
but 'it', (the still small voice), still gives us the present.

This day, hour, minute, second....millisecond...is to finish and conquer whatever stops you from saying yes when you mean to say no, and saying no when you mean to say yes.

Get in touch with listening in...
Like a radio station signal...you have the ability and vibration to listen in over yourself.
Enjoy the process.
Get your hands on awesome books that are out there waiting for your ears and heart.
I became a life coach because I want to tell you that there is so much offered for you to take in and grow from that can guide your life process.

The moment you are into receiving it...you will hear 'it'.

The inside body will have a new overall sensation.
You will also recognise a sense of well being...or
you may feel fear...(automatic response will want to reject what is good for you by being afraid of new feelings).
Go with it...see where this takes you...

Remember: Love ~ its a feeling you get when your hearing your still small voice...and consequent good feelings follow as you take the right authentic action with your soul.

Life Coach: Charlene Hancock

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Out

In order to sense your inner world you must first quiet the physical world. You must remove your conscious focus from the physical world, that you might perceive the inner world. It is not a difficult process. It has been called many different things some call it meditation - but regardless of what you call it, it is a time of quieting the physical, that you may sense the inner world: Sit in a quiet place, making yourself comfortable, and close your eyes - and be. Do whatever you can to reduce the possibility of conscious physical interruption. And as you are comfortably sitting, quiet your conscious thinking mind. In the beginning, that is not an easy task, for your conscious thinking mind is very quick to respond to the stimulation of thought. You have trained it to be fast, and it is eager to participate.

As you are sitting, intending to quiet your conscious thinking mind, in time it will allow you your quiet time. We encourage a short time in every day - FIFTEEN OR TWENTY MINUTES IS ENOUGH. The time of the day is not important, and it need not he the same time in every day, but it Is important that you set aside the time, in every day.

As you have quieted your conscious thinking mind - perhaps by concentrating upon your breathing - and as you are not so aware of the physical world in which you live, you will begin to perceive the inner world, and for each of you it will be a different experience. We encourage you not to compare your experiences with those of another, for there is no value in comparison. The intent of comparison is to find one better than the other, and as you are focusing upon the one that you do not prefer - YOUR ATTENTION TO THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT IS ATTRACTING THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT INTO YOUR EXPERIENCE.

In time - for some of you it may be in the first sitting - you will sense a sort of numbing of your physical being, and that is an indication that you have succeeded at quieting your conscious thinking mind and your physical world, that you may sense the inner world.

What are the advantages of being sensitive to the inner world? When you understand that you are a much broader, more experienced, wiser, older being than your physical being remembers, then you will see the advantage of being in touch with that being, and, in fact, receiving communication from it. Each of you are already receiving communication from that Inner Being in the form of emotion, but you can receive much more detailed information if you are wanting it. The process of quieting your physical world, that you may sense the inner world, will open that path of communication between your physical dimension and the inner dimension, so that you may receive guidance that is appropriate - and that you may offer instruction in terms of what you are currently wanting. Communication is not intended to be only from the inner world to the physical world but from the physical world to the inner world, as well. It is a pathway through which you may offer your clear intent, and once your channel, or pathway, has been established - there are many wondrous benefits.

Once you have decided that you are wanting, or intending, to open the passageway from your physical dimension to the Nonphysical dimension, then you have only to allow it to be. And the setting aside of the time in which to quiet your physical world is your allowing of the opening.

As with each other segment of your day, it is also important that you identify the intent as you move into this segment of meditation. If your intent is to open the passageway between dimensions, that you may receive clear communication, then state it as you are beginning to meditate. If your intent is to quiet the physical world, for you are wanting the relaxation of being apart from that which is confusing and overwhelming and tiring, then state that.
