Are you In or Are you Out?
Tis the Season to be Jolly!
Many of us can be challenged during this time of Christmas.
It will depend on what you are focusing on...
If its money and how much you do or don't have, then that is not a jolly feeling.
But, if you are focusing on the giving of your spirit, then you are in the right sense of it.
Your spirit of giving does not have to come from your wallet, it can come from your inner being...
That part of you that knows what true giving really is.
It comes from inside of your heart.
can come from: supporting a lonely friend, donating blood, donating
time to a needy cause, singing Christmas carols at someones front door,
helping a friend decorate a Christmas tree, donating food in your own
cupboard to a shelter...
Remember life is free.
Living can be expensive, but again, it has everything to do with perception of thought and feelings.
Have you ever given just because it felt good?
Maybe that is a selfish act, but ask the person you gave to, I am sure they are thankful...
Merry Christmas to all, enjoy the gift of giving of yourself, whatever that may be this holy holiday season...
The gift of love comes in many shapes, colors and sizes...never underestimate Gods Miracles...
Just be willing to receive what he brings...and be happy with it.
There in lies the challenge of giving and receiving...
This was previously posted December 17th, 2010 ~ Written by: Charlene Hancock
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Brief Synapse of ‘The Four Agreements’
A Brief Synapse of ‘The Four Agreements’
Charlene Hancock
The Book Written By: don Miguel Ruiz
The Four
Agreements is based in the Ancient Toltec.
Thou Thousands of years ago,
the Toltec were known throughout southern Mexico as “women and men of
Aant Anthropologists have
spoken of Toltec as a nation or a race but, in fact, the Toltec were scientists
and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual
knowledge and practices of the ancient ones. They came to together as Masters
(Naguals) and students at Teotihuacan, the ancient city of the pyramids outside
Mexico City known as the place where “Man becomes God”.
the millenia, the Naguals were forced to conceal the ancestral wisdom and
maintain its existence in obscurity. European conquest, coupled rampant misuse
of personal power by a few of apprentices, made it necessary to shield the
knowledge from those who were not prepared to use it wisely or who
intentionally misuse it for personal gain.
Fortunately, the esoteric Toltec knowledge was embodied and
passed on through generations by different lineages of Naguals. Though it
remained veiled in secrecy for hundred of years, ancient prophecies foretold
the coming of an age when it would be necessary to return the wisdom to the
people. Now, don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual from the Eagle Knight lineage, has been
guided to share with us the powerful teachings of the Toltec.
knowledge arises from the same essential unity of truths, and all the sacred esoteric
traditions found around the world. Though it is not a religion, it honors all
the spiritual masters who have taught on the earth. While it does embrace
spirit, it is more accurately described as a way of life distinguished by the
ready accessibility of happiness and love.
(The above is copied from .xiii. in The Four Agreements
Having read The Four Agreements, by: don Miguel Ruiz; I
experienced a personal insight
and vision that included myself as a teacher, guide and
facilitator of these Four Agreements. I anticipate how the universal energies
will coinside with me to meet my dream. My goal is to bring this story to the
communities. I am confident in my ability to facilitate these Four Agreements
for those that are willing and ready. Their teachability should be high, as
well as being willing to change their old pattern of thinking.
The workshop booklet is inclusive with facilitation of don
Miguel Ruiz and his insights of the Toltec Message. As a Life Transitions
Coach, I believe that all written materials that human kind has produced, have
these threads of truth (The Four Agreements) indicated in the written material.
I also sense the great need for the consciousness of humans to be woken out of
its Smokey Mirror. To acquire and come to know more about the Smokey Mirror,
one needs to connect with the book: The Four Agreements. When you allow the
time to read this book, it will bring awareness to the happiness and love
you’ve longed for. It truly guides you to create a way of life. Like one you
haven’t lived before.
I am confident in saying that the insights of these Four
Agreements awakens the inner knowing, for that is what it has done for me. In
the booklet there is a page all about
Being the Observer. Learning to be the observer of my
thinking has made me aware of my self-talk. Observing allowed for me to find my
true nature. By realizing what it means to not take things personally, I became
aware when I was assuming what another was thinking about me. I learned that we
are all telepathic to a degree; we may very well know what is being projected
in another’s thinking; about what they are thinking and feeling about me. I
came to understand that even though I may know what another may be thinking, I
still choose how I am going to react to it consciously. Coming to know that we
all have our own story and that we all react from our personal experiences and
core beliefs, compassion and understanding became my new behavioral reactions
to people and situations. I
feel that in my community there is a shift in awareness. People are becoming
aware of what is taking place globally. The Four Agreements are a safe journey,
created to simplify the human experience. There are stages in growth from not
wanting anything to do with these Four Agreements, which is called “unconscious
incompetence’*a human that is not awake and not aware of its unreasoning ego*.
Coming into ‘conscious incompetence’, which relies on the human to realize what
it has not known and to now take the course of action; and invite the change.
The moment the human decides to be teachable and then be willing to change is
the pinnacle of ‘conscious compentence’. Once the Four Agreements is learned,
studied and understood, it becomes the individual being authentic; meaning, the
individual is automatically functioning in society as being ‘unconscious
competence’. Which means, once we are doing a thing automatically without
thinking about it; therein is the witness of the shift of change and being
‘unconscious competence’. This is based in knowing without a doubt, and
simplifying the reality of a spirit, living in the life of a human, and
connecting with the process of healing and experiencing the freedom of being
happy to be alive.
The Four Agreements came to my attention and got me started
on balancing my innate nature. I have given intention to live within these new
insights. Becoming active in studying and teaching them procurred for me my new
repetitive behaviors. I have come to experience the Four Agreements from the
uncounscious conscious level of being. These agreements have become my
In the experience of giving facilitated workshops on this
Toltec Message, I have found that it expands to include all and anyone who is
open to receiving the message herein.
Charlene Hancock
Life Transitions Coach
Coach Training Alliance
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dear Friend;
Dear friend, my name is Charlene. |
vision is that each person that I connect with will create their own
positive ripple effect of a Mindfully Lived Life. I am a certified Life
Coach that builds people up and guides them through their emotional
thinking process.
It has taken me many years of
personal experience and education, reading, studying, and connecting
within my community to become a Life Transition Coach. I have been where
you are – sifting and sorting, doubting and afraid of the unknown,
limiting my own potential.
Formally educated,
graduated as well as self-taught, I've been an entrepreneur for over 30
years. Also a wife and mother of 3 children, I’ve been through many
adventures in personal trauma, responsibility and business ownership. It
all started at a time when I was drawn into the last position of work I
vowed I would never be in - an Automotive Shop! The resistance of this
predicament that I had placed myself in took many years to overcome but I
held-fast my position at my front counter. During this time I gained
the title of friend and even mentor with my customers that were waiting
for their vehicles. I was good at listening and hearing with
understanding their stories and they valued my strict confidentiality.
They looked to me for insight and valued my perspective.
the accumulation of written materials, "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart
Tolle for example, I myself learned to Be Still. Be in the Moment. As I
practiced this for many seasons, I realized I outgrew my little
AutoSmart corner. I wanted to step out in MY world. I began creating my
own Life Coaching Workshops. I started facilitating everything I read,
eventually receiving my Coaching Certification. It is from this place of
education and experience that I strive to walk with others through
their own “Life Transition”.
Throughout one of
the many successful group Workshops or confidential One-on-One
sessions, I will guide you to your higher state of self. For those
willing to explore their desire and look a little deeper into their own
personal story I will provide a “holding of space”, a “listening ear”,
and an insight into what is said behind your words. Through the
discernment of your words, your body language, your tone, as well as
your story I will present the correct questions that will reveal
perspective and understanding as we work towards your solutions. All you
need is a desire for your personal best.
challenge you today to commit to a contract of love, dedication and the
discipline of self-purpose to focus on your life goal(s) with the
freedom from self-limiting thoughts.
It is a Choice. It is a Solution. It is Life-Altering.
Please refer to the Events and Services pages to find out more about how I can be there for you.
Remember: There is no fear...there are only steps in the right direction!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Philisophically Speaking
Philosophy: It is an ancient Greek word that means; ‘the
love of wisdom’. The first philosopher, Socrates, proclaimed, “the most
important thing was to know thy self.”
If you are one who loves to learn and yearns to know
thyself; come on out to
the philosophically speaking evenings – a series of
walk-in workshops. The subject matter for the next 8 weeks will be facilitating
the author Eckhart Tolle.
This philosophically speaking evening will open up new
avenues of thought; carrying
you through to being in the moment. Eckhart Tolle has
imparted to us as a national family his insights and wisdom. As we come
together and listen and discuss his subject
matter there is a sense of connection and a shift in how one
used to look at the world
of thought and form.
You are invited to an atmosphere of calm, serenity and
visual delights. You can also expect a ‘meditation time-out’ through the
process of this workshop. This gives space for all new Insights to settle into
a new cellular memory.
The Topic for the first walk-in workshop will be ‘Stepping
Outside of Thinking’.
The walk-in workshops run for about 2.5 hours; starting at
All eight subject matters are posted on this website. Please
email me or telephone me,
and I will be happy to give you my address.
The date for this first walk-in workshop is September 20th,
These walk-in workshops work as a pay what you can system.
There will be a bowl
at the front door table; just drop it in as you come through
the door.
An Affirmative quote to live by:
We are guided daily by Divine Intelligence into paths
of peace, wherein the soul recognizes its Source and meets It in Joyful union,
in complete At-One-ment.
(The Science of Mind, page 331)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Whatever the question, Love is the Answer
Barbara De Angelis reveals ten secrets that can transform your life:
Everything you need to be happy is inside you.
The purpose of live is for you to grow into the best human being you can be.
Change is inevitable, so stop resisting and surrender to life's flow.
All obstacles are lessons in disguise -- honor them and learn from them.
Your mind creates your experience or reality, so make your mind your friend.
Fear will steal your alivenss -- make your courage bigger than your fear.
You must love yourself before you can truly give love or receive love from anyone else.
All relationships are your mirrors and all people are your teachers.
True freedom comes from how you respond to life and not what life does to you.
Whatever the question, love is the answer.
Friday, June 29, 2012
From the book: EMPOWERISM ( A guide to Lifestyle and Environmental Ethics,
By: Christopher Mark D’Sousa)
1. Protect the environment
2. Ask questions (whoever asks a question looks foolish for a brief moment, but if
the question is never asked then they remain a fool forever.
3. Are not afraid to speak publicly.
4. Smile at strangers.
5. Share their empowerment.
6. Try... ... ... try again.
7. Sometimes fail like everybody else, but learn from their mistakes, do more
research and try again (or simply move on to something more productive).
8. Take stock of their shortcomings, rectify them or compensate for them by
emphasizing and focusing on their strengths.
9. Are Patient.
10. Plan Ahead
11. Believe in themselves.
12. Compliment others (verbally and spatially)
13. Make eye contact while conversing.
14. Are rarely heard cursing.
15. Are never rude.
16. Emphasize sincerely.
17. Are understood clearly.
18. Sympathize dearly.
19. Keep journals of reflection.
20. Can handle rejection.
21. Respect their elders.
22. Question their own motives.
23. Are cautious.
24. Respect and protect Nature.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Caring to Care
Caring to care
To care is to feel Alive from the inside out.
To care reveals true character and personality.
To Care is to give yourself the gift of love returned to you ten fold.
To care brightens the mood and creates the feeling of feeling good to be alive.
To care colors everything around you with a sense of hope.
Caring draws one near to the inner alignment of ones soul and gives a sense of purpose.
Caring about the feelings of others returns a light of happiness into your own emotions.
Caring has to do with loving unconditionally, because caring anyway is the one true response that heals the soul.
Caring to pay attention to the details, rewards one with great works of art, and feelings of accomplishment.
Caring lifts a bad mood into a good mood.
Caring about yourself and your personal daily needs, lifts the heaviness of depression.
Caring about the words we speak out loud to the world; heals it, one word, one soul at a time.
Caring creates compassion, instead of anger and resentment.
Caring speaks to your heart and tells you life is worth living.
Caring creates memories of love based in the natural positive consequences we receive in return for caring.
Caring is our gift to the world. It makes life bearable.
To care anyway, even when we can't feel it, will create peace and harmony, where you least expect it.
Caring always responds in kind.
Caring creates the vibration of love in every second we participate in caring.
Being brave is when we care even when it hurts.
Caring is truly what this world needs, one to another and caring especially for the self...
Let's all be aware of the benefits of caring and realize the natural effect it makes on ourselves and the world.
Don't feel like caring...challenge yourself to care anyway... And then observe the results... You won't be disappointed.
Thank you for caring enough to read caring to care.
Love Charlene
Monday, May 14, 2012
The The Four Agreements: A Facilitated workshop with Charlene
Well here we go again...
Please may I invite you to investigate my new facilitated workshop
The Four Agreements: by Don Miguel Ruiz
I am looking forward to the experiences that I will be enjoying as
I guide and process the The Four Agreements.
There are those that have attended in the past and they have asked
for it here we go again...
Be sure and click onto the website on this blog and enjoy the new
updated information regarding this particular workshop.
Please call or email to confirm your spot. I looking forward to
seeing you on Tuesday or Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30.
"Keep your attention on today, and stay in the present moment. This
is the beginning of a new understanding, a new dream."
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Facilitation of a personal insight:
A certain day became a presence for me;
there is was, confronting me--a sky, air, light:
a being. And before it started to descend
from the height of noon, it leaned over
and struck my shoulder as if with
the flat of a sword, granting me
honor and a task. The day's blow
rang, metallic--or it was I, a bell awakened,
and what I heard was my whole self
saying and singing what it knew: I Can.
-Denise Levertov, from Breathing the Water.
(These beautiful words are displayed from O Magazine
from the October 2004 issue. Live Your Best Life) the
words are on a page that has trees from top to bottom
in black and white; the sun shining on them from behind,
blazing archs of light every which way. It feels like
total essence.
I hope for the words: I Can. to enter whatever your endeavors
are for today. This moment is the only one that counts, because
this is the only moment we are in. Right now; I am reaching out
to the world in my own unique way and wishing to give to
you the gift of words from another; that speak to my soul.
Right here. Right now. I Can.
Peace be with you today ~
Thursday, April 12, 2012
releasing the need to suffer
A man who fears suffering is always suffering from what he fears ~ Michel de Montaigne
God never intended man to suffer
The Science of Mind, page 109
Suffering is the ongoing focus on a negative condition and the creation of the inner
story about that condition that leads us to feel bad. In life, suffering is
optional. It is not inherent in the nature of human beings; it is, rather, a learned
behavior that was developed at a time when there was a poor understanding of our
psychology and true potential. While it is appropriate to feel bad when you become
aware of some action or pattern of thinking that is destructive, it is never
appropriate to dwell in that negative feeling. We must rise up to a level of
self-forgiveness and acceptance combined with the decision to do better in the
When we become aware that we are suffering, we have the choice to change our
thinking about the condition and to move to a greater idea of truth. This will
alleviate the suffering and restore a sense of well-being and empowerment. It is not
that we should never feel bad, but we should not dwell in the negative feelings;
rather, we should be in joy as we move forward on the spiritual path.
When we release the need to suffer, we move to a more natural way of being. We are
in touch with our true identity--a spiritually empowered realization that creates
positive experiences in our lives.
I release the need to suffer.When negative conditions arise in my awareness, I
respond from an empowered, loving consciousness, and the condition is transformed. I take dominion over my experience.
These words are from April 2012 Science of Mind magazine. The 7th day of April daily
guides. Page 44, written by:Jim Lockard.
God never intended man to suffer
The Science of Mind, page 109
Suffering is the ongoing focus on a negative condition and the creation of the inner
story about that condition that leads us to feel bad. In life, suffering is
optional. It is not inherent in the nature of human beings; it is, rather, a learned
behavior that was developed at a time when there was a poor understanding of our
psychology and true potential. While it is appropriate to feel bad when you become
aware of some action or pattern of thinking that is destructive, it is never
appropriate to dwell in that negative feeling. We must rise up to a level of
self-forgiveness and acceptance combined with the decision to do better in the
When we become aware that we are suffering, we have the choice to change our
thinking about the condition and to move to a greater idea of truth. This will
alleviate the suffering and restore a sense of well-being and empowerment. It is not
that we should never feel bad, but we should not dwell in the negative feelings;
rather, we should be in joy as we move forward on the spiritual path.
When we release the need to suffer, we move to a more natural way of being. We are
in touch with our true identity--a spiritually empowered realization that creates
positive experiences in our lives.
I release the need to suffer.When negative conditions arise in my awareness, I
respond from an empowered, loving consciousness, and the condition is transformed. I take dominion over my experience.
These words are from April 2012 Science of Mind magazine. The 7th day of April daily
guides. Page 44, written by:Jim Lockard.
Friday, March 23, 2012
There is an Emty Chair Waiting for You...
Hello to our Early Spring and to everyone that visits my blog and website. It is an exciting time for me right now. I wanted to do a check in blog for those still on the fence possibly regarding this weeks coming workshop. March 29th 7 pm. I have been reviewing my own personal answers to this first nights topic 'Stepping Outside of Thinking'. Having listened to the audio and taken in the lecture, I am looking back over the past three weeks of my life. As I see it, I sense that I have become more aligned with this experience that Eckhart is talking about. I look at trees differently; and I've given my mind permission to slow down and drink moments in.
For those already registered, please be sure and review the audio for this first topic evening. Bring your journals filled with answers and allow your self to let go and become un-interesting. If you've already listened to the audio; you will know what the word un-interesting is saying. If you haven't listened to your audio be sure and do so as soon as possible so you can understand what he Eckhart tells us about un-interesting. The earlier you start practicing, the more your participation at the workshop will erupt from you. If you have any questions regarding this material and you would like more insight into your answers, please feel free to email me and I will be in touch.
And for my not so sure I wanna do this -- just take 15 minutes out of your day. Go to Eckharts site (you can get there from my web page - Whats New ) Being courious is a good sign that you could be interested in this workshop.
Just a note " I really love what I do...these workshops are for those who are ready for a shift; you know something is happening in your thinking that wants change and your wanting to be ready to receive it. This workshop is for you. I love that it is my time to give back what I have received over the past 30 years on my journey. For those that feel ready, take that first step and decide a Mind-full Living Experience.
As I leave you with todays updates; I extend to you an affirmation for today.
This is from 'Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior by: Dan Millman.
The path of personal evolution isn't showy;
there are no glowing signs to identify an evolved being.
Awakened people often behave in quiet,
ordinary ways.
Enjoy your Day ~
For those already registered, please be sure and review the audio for this first topic evening. Bring your journals filled with answers and allow your self to let go and become un-interesting. If you've already listened to the audio; you will know what the word un-interesting is saying. If you haven't listened to your audio be sure and do so as soon as possible so you can understand what he Eckhart tells us about un-interesting. The earlier you start practicing, the more your participation at the workshop will erupt from you. If you have any questions regarding this material and you would like more insight into your answers, please feel free to email me and I will be in touch.
And for my not so sure I wanna do this -- just take 15 minutes out of your day. Go to Eckharts site (you can get there from my web page - Whats New ) Being courious is a good sign that you could be interested in this workshop.
Just a note " I really love what I do...these workshops are for those who are ready for a shift; you know something is happening in your thinking that wants change and your wanting to be ready to receive it. This workshop is for you. I love that it is my time to give back what I have received over the past 30 years on my journey. For those that feel ready, take that first step and decide a Mind-full Living Experience.
As I leave you with todays updates; I extend to you an affirmation for today.
This is from 'Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior by: Dan Millman.
The path of personal evolution isn't showy;
there are no glowing signs to identify an evolved being.
Awakened people often behave in quiet,
ordinary ways.
Enjoy your Day ~
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Hello Everyone~
I have posted updates to my web site today! Thanks everyone for your patience. It has been a busy and fun journey getting to this point.
The first workshop dates of the Eckhart Tolle Uncourse ~ Stepping Outside of Thinking; are posted for this month of March! Check out the agenda for the first of eight workshops. If you have any questions regarding the workshop, feel free to call or email me. The dates are posted for the month of March. There will ongoing updates to my site for upcoming event dates for next months workshop.
I apologize for the inconvenience of you not being able to comment on my blog; this I hope will be temporary. I am working out the details regarding this matter. But, please, feel free to email me from my site any time and refer to the blog date and title to comment at this time.
An Affirmation for your week: by Dan Millman from 'Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior'
~ You can change the past
by changing
your behavior in the present,
since the present
soon becomes your past.
You also shape your future
by the actions
you take today.
I have posted updates to my web site today! Thanks everyone for your patience. It has been a busy and fun journey getting to this point.
The first workshop dates of the Eckhart Tolle Uncourse ~ Stepping Outside of Thinking; are posted for this month of March! Check out the agenda for the first of eight workshops. If you have any questions regarding the workshop, feel free to call or email me. The dates are posted for the month of March. There will ongoing updates to my site for upcoming event dates for next months workshop.
I apologize for the inconvenience of you not being able to comment on my blog; this I hope will be temporary. I am working out the details regarding this matter. But, please, feel free to email me from my site any time and refer to the blog date and title to comment at this time.
An Affirmation for your week: by Dan Millman from 'Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior'
~ You can change the past
by changing
your behavior in the present,
since the present
soon becomes your past.
You also shape your future
by the actions
you take today.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Laugh Out Loud ~ lol
It is said that “Laughter is the Best Medicine”. I was having a more than usual stressed out day this past week and I searched myself mindfully for the anecdote. At first I released myself with some deep breathes in coming and out going; about five or so minutes. As I was sitting at my desk, I opened the drawer and before me, as if planned for this moment, is the magazine ‘Ode for intelligent optimists’. The entire magazine is on the topic of laughter. I thought to myself “how about that…with a chuckle coming from the inside out. The more I read about laughter the more I felt better in the moment. I became mentally unwound and I began to feel a shift in my mood and my thinking. It even offered a; start laughing out loud right now exercise for the moment! I tried it and I ended up laughing at myself pretty hard lol.
The following is a section from ‘Ode for intelligent optimists’, the article is called;
An Anatomy Of Risibility
(The article is written by: Blaine Greteman; teaches at Oklahoma State University, where he gets plenty of derisive laughs from his students).
Belly Laugh: involuntary and intoxicating paroxysm that bypasses the laughter centers of the brain to go directly to the funny bone, in the vicinity of the solar plexus.
Cackle: Especially pronounced in cartoon witches and villains, this rapid-fire vocalization builds to a crescendo of malevolent delight.
Chuckle: Brief aspirated trisyllables (“he-he-he” or “ha-ha-ha”) with connotations of assent, grandfatherly approval or, more often, total incomprehension.
Contemptuous Laugh: A specialty of the bully, the mocking “ha ha” (“harrumph” among the upper classes) communicated the worthlessness of an idea or person. May be acoustically identical to other laughs but is perceived differently by the apparent object of scorn.
Existential Laugh: Typically, a subdued laugh that occurs in moments that may seem inappropriate on the surface, such as discussions of death, taxes, general decrepitude or receding hairlines.
Giggle: Trilling, high-pitched vocalization produced by constriction of the larynx. Traditionally pathologized in males (see Herbert, George, c. 1620: “The giggler is a milkmaid”) but potentially desirable in females (see Lewis, jerry lee, c. 1958: “A wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk makes the world go ‘round”).
Guffaw: Explosive outburst often accompanied by extreme bodily contortion (head thrown back, body doubled over) that may end in a chortle or snort.
Nervous Laugh: Brief, staccato bursts that accompany embarrassing situations (“Was that your cat I just ran over?”) or awkward inquiries (“Do I look fat in this?”)
Revolutionary Laugh: The vocal equivalent of extending your middle finger to those in power.
Satirical Laugh: Wry, knowing, critical laugh that seems to say, “If I weren’t laughing right now, I’d be weeping.”
Social Laugh: An invitation to socialize, in females, typically son-like, in males, typically ape-like.
“The laugh and its specific acoustics can communicate a whole variety of meanings, derisive and contemptuous, modest and embarressed, and down the line” – Dacher Keitner, psychology professor, University of California, Burkeley.
So lets the words speak for themselves and lets everyone go the the last laugh…until it hurts!
…Sending big huge giggles and chuckles your way for your Day!
The following is a section from ‘Ode for intelligent optimists’, the article is called;
An Anatomy Of Risibility
(The article is written by: Blaine Greteman; teaches at Oklahoma State University, where he gets plenty of derisive laughs from his students).
Belly Laugh: involuntary and intoxicating paroxysm that bypasses the laughter centers of the brain to go directly to the funny bone, in the vicinity of the solar plexus.
Cackle: Especially pronounced in cartoon witches and villains, this rapid-fire vocalization builds to a crescendo of malevolent delight.
Chuckle: Brief aspirated trisyllables (“he-he-he” or “ha-ha-ha”) with connotations of assent, grandfatherly approval or, more often, total incomprehension.
Contemptuous Laugh: A specialty of the bully, the mocking “ha ha” (“harrumph” among the upper classes) communicated the worthlessness of an idea or person. May be acoustically identical to other laughs but is perceived differently by the apparent object of scorn.
Existential Laugh: Typically, a subdued laugh that occurs in moments that may seem inappropriate on the surface, such as discussions of death, taxes, general decrepitude or receding hairlines.
Giggle: Trilling, high-pitched vocalization produced by constriction of the larynx. Traditionally pathologized in males (see Herbert, George, c. 1620: “The giggler is a milkmaid”) but potentially desirable in females (see Lewis, jerry lee, c. 1958: “A wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk makes the world go ‘round”).
Guffaw: Explosive outburst often accompanied by extreme bodily contortion (head thrown back, body doubled over) that may end in a chortle or snort.
Nervous Laugh: Brief, staccato bursts that accompany embarrassing situations (“Was that your cat I just ran over?”) or awkward inquiries (“Do I look fat in this?”)
Revolutionary Laugh: The vocal equivalent of extending your middle finger to those in power.
Satirical Laugh: Wry, knowing, critical laugh that seems to say, “If I weren’t laughing right now, I’d be weeping.”
Social Laugh: An invitation to socialize, in females, typically son-like, in males, typically ape-like.
“The laugh and its specific acoustics can communicate a whole variety of meanings, derisive and contemptuous, modest and embarressed, and down the line” – Dacher Keitner, psychology professor, University of California, Burkeley.
So lets the words speak for themselves and lets everyone go the the last laugh…until it hurts!
…Sending big huge giggles and chuckles your way for your Day!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Flowing Decisions ~
Coping with everyday life can sometimes catch us at a crossroads of decision making. I have to remind myself that I get to choose how I am going to react to the circumstances and people I find myself involved with. It can be difficult to stay focused on the positive, when the people around us are negative, but, we still get to choose how we will react on the inside of our own thinking.
One of the coping skills that I work on is learning to stay in the truth. Denying that it is upsetting does not make it go away. I accept that the person or the circumstance feels crappy; and then, now what? I get to choose what I am going to do with this feeling. I can turn it into negative feedback on myself and feel justified in complaining about the person or the circumstance; this still does not make it go away.
What I can do is: I accept; it is what it is. I then move my thinking to the next stage. I choose not to take it personally and I accept the truth. I can't change people or circumstances but I sure can change how I am going to absorb it. This is where true personal power shows up and gives space for universal energy to work its magic in spite of the negative. Going with flow is like a river moving down stream; just flow and release, loose and let go. As I accept, I let go; and as I let go; I feel the flow of my inner being relaxing and feeling free. My responsive thoughts have chosen to be positive and peace follows.
One of the coping skills that I work on is learning to stay in the truth. Denying that it is upsetting does not make it go away. I accept that the person or the circumstance feels crappy; and then, now what? I get to choose what I am going to do with this feeling. I can turn it into negative feedback on myself and feel justified in complaining about the person or the circumstance; this still does not make it go away.
What I can do is: I accept; it is what it is. I then move my thinking to the next stage. I choose not to take it personally and I accept the truth. I can't change people or circumstances but I sure can change how I am going to absorb it. This is where true personal power shows up and gives space for universal energy to work its magic in spite of the negative. Going with flow is like a river moving down stream; just flow and release, loose and let go. As I accept, I let go; and as I let go; I feel the flow of my inner being relaxing and feeling free. My responsive thoughts have chosen to be positive and peace follows.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Life Transition Coaching...
Life transition coaching is connecting with what is going on in your now. Looking ahead with contemplation on what's next. Once what next is established, we work together on the plan to make it happen. The process works every time when the person allows for the shift of thought to move into the solution with accountability. Having a life transition coach moves the process along in a consistent momentum and shortens the timing of the outcomes. For those that I have worked with thus far; I find it very rewarding being a life transition coach.
This Saturday February 18 from 10 til 2 pm I will be at Coffee Culture on James and St Paul St., I welcome those that desire the change their really looking for to come and enjoy a beverage and a complimentary 30 minute session.
Sending ripples of positive energy to All
This Saturday February 18 from 10 til 2 pm I will be at Coffee Culture on James and St Paul St., I welcome those that desire the change their really looking for to come and enjoy a beverage and a complimentary 30 minute session.
Sending ripples of positive energy to All
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Universal Love ~
I was having tea with my cousin Jo last week; we had a conversation about love. I think she said it best..."Love has so many ways"
On this Valentines Day...I am reflecting on all the Love I have had bestowed on me through out my journey thus far. I feel it deeply; in a place inside that speaks truth to me. I hear the still small voice in my heart. It reaches into my memory and helps me hold on to all the love that's been given and a feeling of great warmth fills my soul. I am thankful inside out for being alive and full of love. I just want to reach out and keep giving it back...because as I give just keeps coming back in so many ways...
This to me this is the finer definition of Universal Love xo
On this Valentines Day...I am reflecting on all the Love I have had bestowed on me through out my journey thus far. I feel it deeply; in a place inside that speaks truth to me. I hear the still small voice in my heart. It reaches into my memory and helps me hold on to all the love that's been given and a feeling of great warmth fills my soul. I am thankful inside out for being alive and full of love. I just want to reach out and keep giving it back...because as I give just keeps coming back in so many ways...
This to me this is the finer definition of Universal Love xo
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
50 Power Questions
50 Power Questions
Coaches: Enjoy using these questions with your clients!
Non-Coaches: Ask yourself these questions to take control of your life!
This resource is for both coaches and their clients may be shared
freely without alteration, Alter all, the more people who know what
they really want in life, the better for all of us!
Defining Goals
1. If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?
2. What areas of your life could be upgraded/ tweaked?
3. What could we work on now that would make the biggest difference to your life?
4. How would you feel about doubling that goal?
5. What are you tolerating/putting up with?
6. What do you want MORE of in your life? (Make a list)
7. What do you want LESS of in your life? (Make a list)
8. What are three things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?
9. How could you make this goal more specific or measurable?
10. What would be the biggest impact from achieving your goal(s)?
11. What would you try now if you knew you could not fail?
12. How can we make this something you're aiming towards, rather than something you're trying to move away from?
13. What do you love?
14. What do you hate?
15. What's one thing you would love to do before you die?
16. Is now the right time for you to make a commitment to achieving these goals?
17. What could we work on right now that would really put a smile on your face?
18. For your life to be perfect, what would have to change?
19. What do you really, really want?
20. What’s one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace?
Action Stations
21. What's the first/ next step?
22. What research could you do to help you find the first (or next) step?
23. Who could you talk to who would illuminate this issue?
24. Who should you be hanging out with - so that achieving this goal becomes natural? (ie who’s already doing it?
25. How can you get the knowledge/information you need?
26. What are three actions you could take that would make sense this week?
27. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited to you feel about taking these actions?
28. What would increase that score? (ei. handle fear, clearer steps, more support, more fun)
29. What would Tony Robbins do in this situation? What would ‘massive action’ look like?
30. What will happen (what is the cost) of you NOT doing anything about this?
Gaining New Perspectives
31. What can you learn from this?
32. In what way is the current situation absolutely perfect?
33. How could you turn this around immediately, and enjoy the process?
34. What in this situation can you find to be grateful for?
35. What are you doing well? What can you do better?
36. What’s one way you could have more fun in your Life?
37. If you were your own coach, what coaching would you give yourself right now?
38. What is the value of your current attitude?
39. What’s your favorite way of sabotaging yourself, and your goals?
40. What should I say to you if I spot you doing this?
General Diagnostic Questions
41. What are three of your greatest strengths?
42. What are you most excited about now? What are you are you looking forward to?
43. What’s one way to get more energy into your life?
44. If your relationship was IDEAL, what’s one thing that would be different?
45. What would be your ideal career - if you could do anything?
46. What's one thing that you could do to give yourself more peace financially?
47. What is your life really about? What is your purpose?
48. If you had to guess your life purpose (from looking at your life to date), what would it be?
49. What would you like most to be acknowledged for; so far in your life?
50. Who in your life should be acknowledged more? Would you like to acknowledge them for something today?
These 50 power may be freely shared and distributed, without alteration, providing not for financial gain.
These questions are here for those visiting my site; enjoy sitting down with a journal and allowing for a few answers to these questions and see where your at in your life at this time.
Coaches: Enjoy using these questions with your clients!
Non-Coaches: Ask yourself these questions to take control of your life!
This resource is for both coaches and their clients may be shared
freely without alteration, Alter all, the more people who know what
they really want in life, the better for all of us!
Defining Goals
1. If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?
2. What areas of your life could be upgraded/ tweaked?
3. What could we work on now that would make the biggest difference to your life?
4. How would you feel about doubling that goal?
5. What are you tolerating/putting up with?
6. What do you want MORE of in your life? (Make a list)
7. What do you want LESS of in your life? (Make a list)
8. What are three things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?
9. How could you make this goal more specific or measurable?
10. What would be the biggest impact from achieving your goal(s)?
11. What would you try now if you knew you could not fail?
12. How can we make this something you're aiming towards, rather than something you're trying to move away from?
13. What do you love?
14. What do you hate?
15. What's one thing you would love to do before you die?
16. Is now the right time for you to make a commitment to achieving these goals?
17. What could we work on right now that would really put a smile on your face?
18. For your life to be perfect, what would have to change?
19. What do you really, really want?
20. What’s one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace?
Action Stations
21. What's the first/ next step?
22. What research could you do to help you find the first (or next) step?
23. Who could you talk to who would illuminate this issue?
24. Who should you be hanging out with - so that achieving this goal becomes natural? (ie who’s already doing it?
25. How can you get the knowledge/information you need?
26. What are three actions you could take that would make sense this week?
27. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited to you feel about taking these actions?
28. What would increase that score? (ei. handle fear, clearer steps, more support, more fun)
29. What would Tony Robbins do in this situation? What would ‘massive action’ look like?
30. What will happen (what is the cost) of you NOT doing anything about this?
Gaining New Perspectives
31. What can you learn from this?
32. In what way is the current situation absolutely perfect?
33. How could you turn this around immediately, and enjoy the process?
34. What in this situation can you find to be grateful for?
35. What are you doing well? What can you do better?
36. What’s one way you could have more fun in your Life?
37. If you were your own coach, what coaching would you give yourself right now?
38. What is the value of your current attitude?
39. What’s your favorite way of sabotaging yourself, and your goals?
40. What should I say to you if I spot you doing this?
General Diagnostic Questions
41. What are three of your greatest strengths?
42. What are you most excited about now? What are you are you looking forward to?
43. What’s one way to get more energy into your life?
44. If your relationship was IDEAL, what’s one thing that would be different?
45. What would be your ideal career - if you could do anything?
46. What's one thing that you could do to give yourself more peace financially?
47. What is your life really about? What is your purpose?
48. If you had to guess your life purpose (from looking at your life to date), what would it be?
49. What would you like most to be acknowledged for; so far in your life?
50. Who in your life should be acknowledged more? Would you like to acknowledge them for something today?
These 50 power may be freely shared and distributed, without alteration, providing not for financial gain.
These questions are here for those visiting my site; enjoy sitting down with a journal and allowing for a few answers to these questions and see where your at in your life at this time.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Uncourse: Topic - Choices Choices
This is my response to the lesson from Eckhart Tolle Uncourse. It is from the topic Choices, Choices; lesson b.
Understanding these words from Eckhart brings hope to me. I beleive that when the student is ready; the teacher presents. I put the thoughts out there that the world is ready to listen to the masters and teachers. The ones who have chosen to come here to relay the messages; that we all already have within our being. The truth. I sense that the world is ready to be awake on purpose. It has grown tired of the growing pains; and is now allowing those pains to awaken our collective consciousness and begin a new existence without the predominant ego leading the way. It is in the act of humility that we all become better at being human beings; sharing this same space. There is a growing sense that we want to be ready. As each one of us plays our role, we can gain momentum of faith and hope in realizing the peace, unity and joy that we all came here to be a part of. Namaste~
Understanding these words from Eckhart brings hope to me. I beleive that when the student is ready; the teacher presents. I put the thoughts out there that the world is ready to listen to the masters and teachers. The ones who have chosen to come here to relay the messages; that we all already have within our being. The truth. I sense that the world is ready to be awake on purpose. It has grown tired of the growing pains; and is now allowing those pains to awaken our collective consciousness and begin a new existence without the predominant ego leading the way. It is in the act of humility that we all become better at being human beings; sharing this same space. There is a growing sense that we want to be ready. As each one of us plays our role, we can gain momentum of faith and hope in realizing the peace, unity and joy that we all came here to be a part of. Namaste~
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Ground Hog Days~
On January 25th, 2010, I wrote this: My grandmothers birthday is today; May Hancock I dedicate this page to her memory today. I pray this days finds you Happy, no matter what the weather~ Love Charlene
Ground Hog Days
I was out this past weekend, and
i decided that i would just be myself
In such a way that
I reached out and talked to people
the 300 or so that I was in the same room with;
I approached many with kindness and sincerity
I allowed for fearlessness to become me...
I looked them in the eye with my 3d glasses on.
This was fun for me because I kept forgetting that I had them on...
And so, people would be staring at me,
and I would then ask:
"Are you Happy?"
And then they would say, "I am very happy, or Yes I am happy".
After the introduction of the answer between us,
I declared to each one, "Then...It's Ground Hog Days!"
(meaning: repeat that 'Happy' for 100 days...and see how that feels~
I had been into approaching people out of the blue for about an hour,
when a gentleman named John asked me to take off my glasses now...
I attempted to resist this
I peaked out from out of the glasses ever so briefly and John caught my eye.
I then took off the glasses and proceeded to ask John,
"Are you happy?"
And he said;
Well...I'm kinda happy,
Again, I asked: "are you happy?"
and he said;
Well..."I'm sort of happy
Finally, a third attempt, I asked again, "Are you happy?"
And, John finally said "no I am not happy".
Taken by surprise, for he was the first one that had this answer,
I told him, he was probably the most honest person in the place.
I then gave him the option to seek me out to help him to get to
Ground Hog Day!
Keeping things light, I introduced my blog card
and decided to say to John; "I am very happy to meet you"
Our conversation being open still,
I found out that I am talking with an Editorial writer and editor.
So, the whole decision to be fearless for a night,
brought me communication with a fellow writer,
and found out that I could encourage him in his unhappiness;
while he encouraged my dream of being interviewed by an editorial writer.
John agreed to stay in touch...
And that he would check out my blog,
My motto is when you find your happy,
Keep it like Ground Hog Day...
And if Happy hasn't showed up for awhile...
'Believe' that it will find you again~
Ground Hog Days
I was out this past weekend, and
i decided that i would just be myself
In such a way that
I reached out and talked to people
the 300 or so that I was in the same room with;
I approached many with kindness and sincerity
I allowed for fearlessness to become me...
I looked them in the eye with my 3d glasses on.
This was fun for me because I kept forgetting that I had them on...
And so, people would be staring at me,
and I would then ask:
"Are you Happy?"
And then they would say, "I am very happy, or Yes I am happy".
After the introduction of the answer between us,
I declared to each one, "Then...It's Ground Hog Days!"
(meaning: repeat that 'Happy' for 100 days...and see how that feels~
I had been into approaching people out of the blue for about an hour,
when a gentleman named John asked me to take off my glasses now...
I attempted to resist this
I peaked out from out of the glasses ever so briefly and John caught my eye.
I then took off the glasses and proceeded to ask John,
"Are you happy?"
And he said;
Well...I'm kinda happy,
Again, I asked: "are you happy?"
and he said;
Well..."I'm sort of happy
Finally, a third attempt, I asked again, "Are you happy?"
And, John finally said "no I am not happy".
Taken by surprise, for he was the first one that had this answer,
I told him, he was probably the most honest person in the place.
I then gave him the option to seek me out to help him to get to
Ground Hog Day!
Keeping things light, I introduced my blog card
and decided to say to John; "I am very happy to meet you"
Our conversation being open still,
I found out that I am talking with an Editorial writer and editor.
So, the whole decision to be fearless for a night,
brought me communication with a fellow writer,
and found out that I could encourage him in his unhappiness;
while he encouraged my dream of being interviewed by an editorial writer.
John agreed to stay in touch...
And that he would check out my blog,
My motto is when you find your happy,
Keep it like Ground Hog Day...
And if Happy hasn't showed up for awhile...
'Believe' that it will find you again~
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Last Word~
They say its rough times out there right now;
and I guess if we all keep listening in to these
words; its rough times out there right now;
we'll be experiencing this;
and of course if we release these words;
its rough times out there right now;
we may feel doubt and resistance to the fact that;
life is lived one day, one moment at a time.
The point is,we all need to be focused
on the positive moment of now, and releasing all these negative
The facts are that nothing can be predicted really;
and we all need to stay in the solution thinking process.
So be aware of those spreading the negative energy;
even on the news.
Taking the negative with the positive is the duality we live in.
But, it is possible to stop identifying all the news as good or bad;
and accept that it is what it is without judging it.
According to your perception of your own reality
and experiences you choose how to feel. Allow for the good, and the good will show up.
This whole picture on words is our future and we should be thinking and saying good things about the future. We need to be saying Thank You that we are here and we are alive on planet earth and that we can all, each one of us make our own difference in our own way. Lets start by realizing what we're saying to each other,and say instead,"what a great day it is to be alive!"
The next time someone says to you, its rough times out there, be aware of what their words are feeding to this planet and make the decision to reply with a positive response...and leave with the last word.
and I guess if we all keep listening in to these
words; its rough times out there right now;
we'll be experiencing this;
and of course if we release these words;
its rough times out there right now;
we may feel doubt and resistance to the fact that;
life is lived one day, one moment at a time.
The point is,we all need to be focused
on the positive moment of now, and releasing all these negative
The facts are that nothing can be predicted really;
and we all need to stay in the solution thinking process.
So be aware of those spreading the negative energy;
even on the news.
Taking the negative with the positive is the duality we live in.
But, it is possible to stop identifying all the news as good or bad;
and accept that it is what it is without judging it.
According to your perception of your own reality
and experiences you choose how to feel. Allow for the good, and the good will show up.
This whole picture on words is our future and we should be thinking and saying good things about the future. We need to be saying Thank You that we are here and we are alive on planet earth and that we can all, each one of us make our own difference in our own way. Lets start by realizing what we're saying to each other,and say instead,"what a great day it is to be alive!"
The next time someone says to you, its rough times out there, be aware of what their words are feeding to this planet and make the decision to reply with a positive response...and leave with the last word.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Enjoy The Process
Hello to you all on this sun shiny day !
I am at Coffee Culture waiting in-between clients reading Science of
Mind magazine. I will post here the daily journal for this last day for January 31st:
In school. When the teacher asks a question, the person who has the correct answer raises his or her hand first.
Life is not like that. It's not about finding the answers first. The person who rushes through life unconsciously gets to the end of it with a lot of regrets. You've heard it said a thousand times, but it's true: Life is a journey, not a destination.
Stop and look around. Maybe there's something nearby that's worth looking at. Perhaps the answers to the questions you've had for so long are right in front of you. The wisdom you've been seeking may come from the waitress in a restaurant or the teller in the bank.
Have fun. Don't take life so seriously. It's not a joke-- but it's also not a job. Explore a little. See your life as an adventure story instead of a life sentence. Enjoy the process.
Harmony resides with those who choose to align themselves with the flow of the universe. People who live harmonious lives are in syncronicity with spirit. It's course becomes their course. Instead of blindly pursuing their own ego-agendas, they remain flexible open to new possibilities. They worry less. They rarely panic. They live in faith, and they trust that no matter what shows up in life, they are in the presence of a power whose only intention for their lives is to unfold the highest good.
Affirmation: Everything unfolds in the right order and perfect time. I relax and practice patience.
Written for Science of Mind Magazine by: Chris Michaels
I am at Coffee Culture waiting in-between clients reading Science of
Mind magazine. I will post here the daily journal for this last day for January 31st:
In school. When the teacher asks a question, the person who has the correct answer raises his or her hand first.
Life is not like that. It's not about finding the answers first. The person who rushes through life unconsciously gets to the end of it with a lot of regrets. You've heard it said a thousand times, but it's true: Life is a journey, not a destination.
Stop and look around. Maybe there's something nearby that's worth looking at. Perhaps the answers to the questions you've had for so long are right in front of you. The wisdom you've been seeking may come from the waitress in a restaurant or the teller in the bank.
Have fun. Don't take life so seriously. It's not a joke-- but it's also not a job. Explore a little. See your life as an adventure story instead of a life sentence. Enjoy the process.
Harmony resides with those who choose to align themselves with the flow of the universe. People who live harmonious lives are in syncronicity with spirit. It's course becomes their course. Instead of blindly pursuing their own ego-agendas, they remain flexible open to new possibilities. They worry less. They rarely panic. They live in faith, and they trust that no matter what shows up in life, they are in the presence of a power whose only intention for their lives is to unfold the highest good.
Affirmation: Everything unfolds in the right order and perfect time. I relax and practice patience.
Written for Science of Mind Magazine by: Chris Michaels
Sunday, January 29, 2012
This Is It!
Welcome Everyone!
My site is here to stay as of Today! I am so excited to express myself to the world and finally Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway! Please enjoy a visit at my: You Can Live Mindfully site! Feel free to e-mail me if you are interested in my services. Come on out for my opening week at Coffee Culture on James St. and St. Paul St. on Tuesday or Wednesday~ from 10 til 2 pm., complimentary one on one sessions.
I will be blogging my progress as time goes please check in regularly as I keep building my site to better serve you.
My site is here to stay as of Today! I am so excited to express myself to the world and finally Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway! Please enjoy a visit at my: You Can Live Mindfully site! Feel free to e-mail me if you are interested in my services. Come on out for my opening week at Coffee Culture on James St. and St. Paul St. on Tuesday or Wednesday~ from 10 til 2 pm., complimentary one on one sessions.
I will be blogging my progress as time goes please check in regularly as I keep building my site to better serve you.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
You Can Live Mindfully~
Well...I would have to say that I have certainly been busy away from my blog for some time. But even though I haven't been posting, I have definetley been designing and creating my life. Coming into 2012 is bringing with it brand new challenges.
My promised web site is actually launching before the end of January! Finally!!
I am very excited to apply myself in my community and offer my services to those that are into receiving new and desired results with their personal story.
Look for my postings and invitations on my web site, facebook, and right here on my blog spot.
My new Brand is: "You Can Live Mindfully". I am so excited for this new dimension of my brand...I will be here, waiting and available for giving my services.
Remember: You Can Live Mindfully...It is a choice. It is a solution. It is life-altering!
My promised web site is actually launching before the end of January! Finally!!
I am very excited to apply myself in my community and offer my services to those that are into receiving new and desired results with their personal story.
Look for my postings and invitations on my web site, facebook, and right here on my blog spot.
My new Brand is: "You Can Live Mindfully". I am so excited for this new dimension of my brand...I will be here, waiting and available for giving my services.
Remember: You Can Live Mindfully...It is a choice. It is a solution. It is life-altering!
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