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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Out of the Think Box

Apparently we think a lot of repetitive thoughts in a day...

I challenge you to step out of your regular thinking box...

Look into your thought box and pull something out you haven't thought of for awhile...

Or if ever...

Renew the insights of your regular thinking mind...

Eg... This season sucked ~ instead: Each day held its own moment of the season...

Remember Your Attitude is your Thought Box in action...

Friday, November 6, 2009

uhhgggg...I Don' feel like it!

Its on days like this
That courage needs a nudge
To think things through.
To help me want to want to...

Its on a day like today
When I have to consciously try
And move myself forward
Even if I don't feel like it.

Its today that I don't feel like

Yet, its today still
In this moment
And my awakened courage
Is telling me the steps I need to take

For today
To keep myself aware that
I don't feel like it
But that I can decide to think it different

Right Here, right now Today...
I get up and stretch my body
Nurture my new positive thoughts
With a cup of tea.

And Feel Good.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Present Moment

Living in today is a second to minute experience;

What are you letting happen today that brings you to your greatest vision of yourself?

Well...I made turkey soup from scratch for my soul
I made cold calls and booked 5 appointments...
I connected with my AutoSmart Customers, because I feel the work I do promotes my vision of myself;

aspiring to the attainment of me receiving my good, by doing as my inner voice guides me to. i know it is my altruest when it feels good.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Seize The Day

Just to embrace waking up and feeling alive, the first movement of your body, your eyes open; you look out and absorb the light and then
you get to do whatever you choose...with the breath...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


To "Coach" comes from the root meaning: to bring a person from where they are to where they want to be - David Cottrell.

Hello, my name is Charlene and this is my first attempt at blogging. Let me know what you think.

A "Mentor" is one that will listen to another with no conditions attached, no judgements. The mentor guides and directs the individual to their optimum potential.

In having a "Life Coach", the person is looking for accountability. The Life Coach guides the individual into realizing which thoughts are creating their reality. Identifying the self-talk is a tool to help a person out of depression, anxiety and other emotional road blocks.

Personal belief systems account for most of the emotional reactions that we have in everyday situations. Figuring out what beliefs
are helping and those that are not, is a great opening for new and fresh experiences with everyday life.

Finding meaning in life happens when we care about caring, especially for the self...

Self-management is established when a person wants to want the change. It takes commitment, self-control, faith, confidence, integrity, and being impeccable with your word.

My coaching style is in the form of facilitating authors that are making an impact on how we are healing the inner soul.

Receiving the information and utilizing it for personal authenticity and personal growth has helped me be the Best Life Coach from Moment to Moment.