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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happiness Brings Meaning

Happiness Brings Meaning

“Fringe-dwellers are people who know
there’s something else to life other than ego,
tick-tock, control, and the institutions.
Believing and acting differently, they extricate
themselves from common tribal emotions
and make a dash for freedom.

Right now they may still be driving a bus
for the city bus company. But, in their hearts,
they have moved to the outer edge of this
human evolution, beyond what most consider
normal reality. And there are millions of us...
all over the planet, making a difference
to consciousness! Brilliant, really.

The bottom line is, if you are a
fringe-dweller (and you probably are)
and your mind-set doesn’t fit,
just agree not to fit.”

— Stuart Wilde

Monday, February 8, 2010

Are you listening?

Your Inner Being is guiding you toward well-being . ALWAYS!! Whether you are listening or not.

And so the question is . Are you listening? And how do you know when you are?

And we say to you .

You cannot hear the guidance when you are angry.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are mad.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are fearful.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are fitful.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are guilty.

You cannot hear the guidance when you are lonely.

You cannot hear the guidance when your valve is closed You see.

So.!! Just get happy in any way you can.

Do the things that please you most.

Spend time with the people that thrill you most.

Go to the places where you bask easily .

And most of all make a decision that “Nothing is more important than that I feel good”

And under those conditions you will be guided with a precision that will knock your socks off.

Not just to an area that will receive little disruption, but to an area where you can thrive. To an area where you can find joy. To an area where you will rendezvous with the others you’ve intended

Extract from Abraham-Hicks tape G-4/17/94