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Monday, December 7, 2009

To Complain or Not to Complain...

Have you ever noticed what you feel like after complaining?

In my experience, I have noticed lately that when I do complain, I feel a little worse for wear.

It just doesn't make things better, and because of this observation, I decided to try and relax and think before I speak, no matter what I am feeling.

Especially if it is a complaint, I vow to make the next words out of my mouth the opposite of what I am feeling negative about.

The pre-thought is: This is it. Now what am I going to say about it?

In this experience, I am finding that I can, if I try, if I allow, that my words become positive statements instead, and after I feel better not worse...

Its not easy to remember before we speak, but if it becomes common practice, your days will feel like This is it!