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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Live and let Live~

explore the pause for the pleasure of everyday life

restore optimism • confidence • well-being
explore inner wisdom • choice • change
enhance presence • connection
love happy relationships
release creativity
feel good


Some people are simply mesmeric …

What do you reveal before uttering a sound?

Understand your presence and learn to listen to speak with eloquence and ease

to mesmerise – to influence, entrance, inspire … to calm oneself… and;

Few delights can equal the presence of one whom we trust utterly.

George McDonald 1824 - 1905

Friday, April 16, 2010

Think only on this ~ The Positive Thought

A feeling of vulnerability, and expectation of bad things happening, is the reason that bad things happen. That feeling produces the physical evidence of bad things happening. As physical beings, you put the emphasis upon the bad things that have happened. You stack up this “evidence” and use it against yourself, causing your negative expectation to grow larger and larger. If instead, you will put the emphasis upon what really caused the bad things to happen – your thought and feeling of negative expectation – then the evidence would not loom so large. You would see it only as the physical manifestation of your thought rather than the threatening thing it seemed before.

When you see negative evidence for what it really is – temporary evidence created by you, drawn by you and experienced by you – you can let go out of the same door it came in: It got in by your thought and feeling. Change your thought, and your feeling will change – and it will leave your experience.

From your action oriented physical perspective, the physical creation – or evidence – holds more weight in your system of beliefs than it deserves – for the evidence was created from thought.

Change the thought and the evidence will vanish.

Abraham – Hicks, A New Beginning II, P 126

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One to think about~

"There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up." --Booker T. Washington

Monday, April 12, 2010

Joy in the Journey

I often still feel that unless I can show achievement, my life is wasted. And then I remember the relief of knowing that our lives are measured simply in terms of the joy we feel. Nothing else.

"You have been oriented that you must pay a price in order to get somewhere, and in the process, you’ve come to believe that getting there must be really important, therefore, it must be your purpose. And we say, but if you’re not getting to joy, then you’ve gotten nowhere. Joy is really where you’re going."
