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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dear Friend;

Dear friend, my name is Charlene.

My vision is that each person that I connect with will create their own positive ripple effect of a Mindfully Lived Life. I am a certified Life Coach that builds people up and guides them through their emotional thinking process.

It has taken me many years of personal experience and education, reading, studying, and connecting within my community to become a Life Transition Coach. I have been where you are – sifting and sorting, doubting and afraid of the unknown, limiting my own potential.

Formally educated, graduated as well as self-taught, I've been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. Also a wife and mother of 3 children, I’ve been through many adventures in personal trauma, responsibility and business ownership. It all started at a time when I was drawn into the last position of work I vowed I would never be in - an Automotive Shop! The resistance of this predicament that I had placed myself in took many years to overcome but I held-fast my position at my front counter. During this time I gained the title of friend and even mentor with my customers that were waiting for their vehicles. I was good at listening and hearing with understanding their stories and they valued my strict confidentiality. They looked to me for insight and valued my perspective.

Through the accumulation of written materials, "The Power Of  Now" by Eckhart Tolle for example, I myself learned to Be Still. Be in the Moment. As I practiced this for many seasons, I realized I outgrew my little AutoSmart corner. I wanted to step out in MY world. I began creating my own Life Coaching Workshops. I started facilitating everything I read, eventually receiving my Coaching Certification. It is from this place of education and experience that I strive to walk with others through their own “Life Transition”. 

Throughout one of the many successful group Workshops or confidential One-on-One sessions, I will guide you to your higher state of self.  For those willing to explore their desire and look a little deeper into their own personal story I will provide a “holding of space”, a “listening ear”, and an insight into what is said behind your words. Through the discernment of your words, your body language, your tone, as well as your story I will present the correct questions that will reveal perspective and understanding as we work towards your solutions. All you need is a desire for your personal best.

I challenge you today to commit to a contract of love, dedication and the discipline of self-purpose to focus on your life goal(s) with the freedom from self-limiting thoughts. 

It is a Choice. It is a Solution. It is Life-Altering.

Please refer to the Events and Services pages to find out more about how I can be there for you.

Remember: There is no fear...there are only steps in the right direction!
