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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Imagine a cork, floating on a body of water, as being your connected point of view. That's when you are soaring, that's where your appreciation is high.

You are tuned in, tapped in, turned on. You're up there in that high natural frequency.

Now take hold of the cork and hold it under the water. That's what negative emotion is.

That's where you are ornery or irritated or insecure or fitful or frustrated or overwhelmed or blameful or guilty. That's the negative emotion.

The good news is, in the moment that you take your attention away from whatever it is that's holding you in that vibration, you let go of the cork and it floats right back to the top. And that is perhaps the most important thing that we want you to hear from us today.

It is natural for your cork to float. It is natural for you to feel good. That is what is natural. Anything less than that is not natural.
