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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Last Word~

They say its rough times out there right now;
and I guess if we all keep listening in to these
words; its rough times out there right now;
we'll be experiencing this;
and of course if we release these words;
its rough times out there right now;
we may feel doubt and resistance to the fact that;
life is lived one day, one moment at a time.
The point is,we all need to be focused
on the positive moment of now, and releasing all these negative
The facts are that nothing can be predicted really;
and we all need to stay in the solution thinking process.
So be aware of those spreading the negative energy;
even on the news.
Taking the negative with the positive is the duality we live in.
But, it is possible to stop identifying all the news as good or bad;
and accept that it is what it is without judging it.
According to your perception of your own reality
and experiences you choose how to feel. Allow for the good, and the good will show up.
This whole picture on words is our future and we should be thinking and saying good things about the future. We need to be saying Thank You that we are here and we are alive on planet earth and that we can all, each one of us make our own difference in our own way. Lets start by realizing what we're saying to each other,and say instead,"what a great day it is to be alive!"
The next time someone says to you, its rough times out there, be aware of what their words are feeding to this planet and make the decision to reply with a positive response...and leave with the last word.

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